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Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking

Sexual exploitation and trafficking are forms of violence that exist in all communities across the state of Minnesota. MNCASA is dedicated to bringing awareness to the realities and prevalence of sexual exploitation and trafficking while also making efforts to assist service providers in responding to and preventing it from occurring.

What We Do

Leadership in statewide Safe Harbor initiatives and legislation

Support on systems collaboration and development of protocol for Safe Harbor Protocol Teams

Technical assistance and resource creation for Safe Harbor service providers

Collaborated with the Ramsey County Attorney's Office to develop the Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines

What is Safe Harbor?

Learn more about the history of Safe Harbor in Minnesota, changes that have happened over time, and MNCASA’s role in Safe Harbor legislation and protocol.

Safe Harbor Protocol Teams

Learn more about Safe Harbor Protocol Teams and how we support them.

Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines

The Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines were developed by the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office, in partnership with Sexual Violence Justice Institute, and are the result of the work of more than 200 professionals from a variety of disciplines. Funding was provided through a State of Minnesota legislative appropriation.

Contact us for more information about sexual exploitation and trafficking trainings and support.

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